
Hi welcome to Cold December Nights.

Check Out
Jesse's Christmas Tumblr Blog here
Jessi's Christmas Tumblr Blog here

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello everyone! The official start of the Christmas season has begun! I started my shopping today and was able to buy a good amount of what I need. I'm posting this just to say that I will be posting soon. Look forward to new posts.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Christmas Planning

Hello, world, haven't written in quite a while. It's beginning to get cold here in my town, and ice cakes itself over my back windshield every morning. I am beginning to see Christmas commercials all over the place, and it really excites me. Christmas scents, decor, and clothing is being put out. It's like Thanksgiving doesn't even exist here in America. Of course, Tumblr immediately turned into Christmas blogging, as it is worldwide.

Signing off-

Monday, October 14, 2013

Black Friday

 Black Friday is slowly approaching and shoppers are getting their credit cards ready for the holiday season. Black Friday is considered the official start of the holiday shopping season. I myself have not fully attended the huge event. I remember my mom and I would go to the stores in the early afternoon to grab the leftover deals on whatever they happened to have left because my mother despised the stress of the early morning rush. "Black" refers from stores transitioning from "red" to "black" because when accounting records were kept by hand the red ink indicated loss, and black a profit. The Friday after thanksgiving also know as the famous "Black Friday" has been known as the start of holiday shopping since the start of the modern Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924. It became so popular because when the retailers realized they could draw crowds with sales they advertised it to the maximum. They added more and more sales and that brings us to where we are today. So when Black Friday rolls around be careful and please don't get trampled.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy Fall

"Autumn, often known as fall in the US and Canada, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, in September (Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier."

Hey Guys! Today is the first day of fall!!! It went from ninety degrees on Friday to fifty-five and cloudy today. IT'S SWEATER WEATHER GUYS, well at least in northern California it is. Yesterday was one of the first rains of the season. Just the smell after the rain reminds me that Christmas is a mere 93 days away. I'm loving sitting on the sofa, curled up in a mound of blankets, warm soup in hand whilst updating both of my Christmas Blogs. Anyway If you have any ideas for new posts leave a comment and maybe I'll work on that. Thanks for reading!


The First Day of Autumn

Ah, the cold season has begun. Yesterday while I was at my soccer game, it began raining slightly, only slightly. However, ten minutes before the game, it began pouring, as well as having a horrible wind.

Well, I wouldn't say horrible.

Although it was terrible weather, it was sure a ton of fun to play in the rain! Only twenty minutes into the first half we were soaked through, sliding in the mud and having a wondrous time. It's a wonderful day of winter weather, yet it's only Autumn.



Monday, September 16, 2013

Christmas Celebration Restrictions

"Originally, the term "Christmas season" in Western culture was considered synonymous with Christmastidea term itself derived from Yuletide, which runs from December 25 (Christmas Day) to January 6 (Epiphany), popularly known as the 12 Days of Christmas. However, as the economic impact involving the anticipatory lead-up to Christmas Day grew in America and Western Europe into the 19th and 20th centuries, the term 'Christmas season' began to become synonymous instead with the traditional Christian Advent season, the period observed in Western Christianity from the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day until Christmas Day itself."

Now from what I gather marketing and media push the Christmas season because they believe the more time you anticipate Christmas, the more things you will buy. At a business owners standpoint this makes sense but my real question is why do people complain when stores start to sell earlier. I don't see a law that says you cannot anticipate the holidays before a certain date.Now personally I wouldn't mind if the holiday season started mid October but at the same time that would overrun the lead up to Halloween which is also one of my favorite holidays. Now the question is when does the holiday season officially start. You can get many different answers depending on who you ask. Some people say the holiday season stars on November 1st and this is the day that I would find most accurate but some people would say the day after thanksgiving or maybe even December first. Personally I start to truly celebrate the holidays on November first and people still look at me weird. What is an acceptable day to start celebrating? Does anyone really know? Since there is no official date, why does society look down on the celebration of a holiday that is purely based upon joy, happiness, and the birth of a savior? Why take that away from a person and make them feel restricted from something that makes them happy.



Hello and welcome to our holiday blog!

My name is Jessi. I'm 14. I don't have the best grammar abilities in the world, but I will try not to make myself look like a total idiot. I will be posting my adventures this winter season as well as links to tutorials/DIY projects and many other things to spread the holiday cheer. I will be accompanied by my best friend Jesse who will also be posting throughout the lead up to the holidays Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

Hello, friends! I'm the other Jesse. I'm just a partner in this Christmas blog, so i won't be posting as often? I have no idea if I will or not. Anyway, I will also be posting multiple Christmas related things. Thanks :D